Various circumstances have brought me to the here and how. One such memory: I'm three years old; enacting the role of Jiminy Cricket at Buttons and Bows preschool. The boy playing Pinicchio started to cry - his fake nose was digging into his face, causing him pain. I calmly thought to my young self... he doesn't have a chance in this business.
Some of the things I've made along are:
The co-creation of HomoSapiens, a show about humans. Co-writing & starring in the oddball comedy feature JEWTAH. Helping form Kids Creative Collective, inc, which brings tuition free theater training to under-served young artist internationally. Two more feature co-writing credits: The Weekend, & The Last 48. A few "new media" projects: Saint Sarah Shorts, First World Problem, 12 Months of June, Couples, & Dinner with Mom. Participating in various artivism projects: American Journey, Short Plays on Reproductive Freedom, & Norma.